
Logging into your Control Panel

  • December 4, 2016
To log into your website control panel simply visit http://www.yourdomain.com/cpanel
replacing the text in this example "yourdomain" to your actual domain name.

You will then be prompted for a username and password.
Your username will be automatically created and sent to you.
The password will be the password chosen by you when you signed up for webhosting. It would have also been sent to you in your welcome email once your sign up was complete.

Dont recall your password?
You can still retrieve it by visiting the Fins and Fur Hosting Clients Area, logging in, and clicking "products" from the menu and then "products list".
Click the button to the right of the listed product and then click on "Send Welcome  Email".
You will also notice a Log in to Cpanel option there. Which also takes you directly to your control panel.

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