If you have noticed that while running Windows XP some of the special fonts you are using on your website do not display correctly, it's most likely due to what I like to call a glitch in XP's rendering process. Because the fonts will display correctly on other OS's, Vista, Windows7, etc.
But fortunately it can be overcome with a minor adjustment.
Click Start>Control Panel
Looking in the upper right hand corner. If it reads "switch to Classic View", that means your in Category View...so then simply click on Appearance and Themes which is on the right side of your screen.
If it reads "switch to "Category View" skip down to section 2 of this article.
Then click on Display, which is located near the bottom of the next window.
Then click "Effect's" located near the bottom of the window pop up.
Next place a check in the box where it reads, "Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts", and choose "Clear Type" from the drop down menu below it.
Then click "OK".
2 - Category View
Click on the Display icon, which is located in the window to the right
Then click "Effect's" located near the bottom of the window pop up.
Next place a check in the box where it reads, "Use the following method
to smooth edges of screen fonts", and choose "Clear Type" from the drop
down menu below it.
Then click "OK".