
Adding images to support tickets

  • March 1, 2015
You may add images to your support tickets very easily. This might be handy to show a screen shot of something your experiencing, to us.
Or..to send pictures you'd like added to your site if were maintaining your site for you.

Pictures should be attached and not inline. Inline images are embedded into the email and will not transfer to the system on your support ticket.

To attach an image to a support ticket simply log in to the Clients Area ,  and choose "submit new ticket" from the drop down menu. At the bottom of your new ticket you'll see an "upload file" section.

There will be a button at the bottom of the support ticket that reads "choose file".
Click "choose file" to find the file you want to attach on your computer. Click on it to select it and you will see it listed right next to the "choose file" button.

To add additional images or files, there will be a text link directly below the "choose file" button that reads, "add a new file". If you click that it will let you add a new file the same way you did with the button for the initial image...go through your computer again and choose another file to attach.
Attach as many as you like as long as it's less then 10 meg total and your ISP (Internet Service Provider wont time out the connection too soon, as it can take a while to do large uploads.

If you have compression software on your computer you can place several images into a directory and then zip (compress) the folder.  Once you have zipped (compressed) the folder of images you can send us the zip file.

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